There at the spark, here for the long run

​​We back exceptional Canadian early-stage tech companies that are building the future.

VC funds

SPV funds

years in the market


assets under management

A wide range of investment and operational expertise

Our team of VC veterans, successful ex-operators, and a new generation of future GPs is the magic behind our investments

Fuelling Canadian tech success stories
since the beginnings of the Internet


Delrina Corporation

One of Canada's first and largest software companies, co-founded by Mark Skapinker. The team notably invented WinFax, one of the most popular Windows programs of all time.


600+ tech jobs created
Public listing on the TSE and NASDAQ
Sold to Symantec Corporation in 1995 for over US$400 million


Brightspark Labs (First VC Fund + incubator)

One of the first tech incubators in Canada, Brightspark Labs provided a combination of services to tech startups: funding, mentorship, networking, training, and even office space.


Think Dynamics (acquired by IBM in 2002)
Servicesoft (acquired by Broadbase in 2000)
Borderfree (acquired by Canada Post in 2003)


Brightspark Fund II

Brightspark leveraged its ability to identify emerging technologies ready for disruption, as well as teams capable of leading this change. Generated returns that are in the upper top quartile in Canada.


Radian6 (acquired by Salesforce in 2011)
Protecode (acquired by Synopsis in 2015)
Hopper (US$3.5B valuation)


Brightspark continues to invest and innovate

Brightspark provided funding and mentorship to early-stage technology companies. It also founded many new innovative businesses that spawned the next generation of Canadian tech leaders.


Tira Wireless
iStopover (acquired by 9flats in 2012)


Brightspark democratizes venture capital

Brightspark spins the venture capital model on its head, and makes its investments available to accredited investors via SPVs. We continue to invest in some of Canada’s most promising tech companies.


$50M+ invested with this model
Growing community of 5,000 investors
Launch of the innovative Secondaries transaction program


Brightspark Canadian Opportunities Fund I

Brightspark launches a VC fund to capitalize on the massive momentum of the Canadian tech market. Focus on disruptive tech companies in their pre-Series A to Series A stage.


$67.5M total fund size
Backed by leading institutions and private investors
12 portfolio companies


Be a part of our story

We are on a mission to invest in Canada's best early-stage companies, while democratizing access to the VC asset class.

Invest with us
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